Born to Be Wild follows orphaned jungle animals and the people who rescue and raise them to adulthood. The story unfolds in two distinct geographic areas. The first half takes place in Borneo's rain forests, with renowned primatologist Dr. Birute Galdikas assisting newborn orangutans, and the second half in Kenya's desert savannahs, with naturalist Dame Daphne Sheldrick working with baby elephant calves.
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Born to Be Wild follows orphaned jungle animals and the people who rescue and raise them to adulthood. The story unfolds in two distinct geographic areas. The first half takes place in Borneo's rain forests, with renowned primatologist Dr. Birute Galdikas assisting newborn orangutans, and the second half in Kenya's desert savannahs, with naturalist Dame Daphne Sheldrick working with baby elephant calves.