This movie is a roller coaster ride through the hellish underbelly of inner-city America. Having a birthday party at a fancy restaurant starts a chain of events that lead to Sissy and her friends meeting the Boneboys. Inspired by Jonathan Swift's story, A Modest Proposal, the Boneboys are a group of international predators who eat human flesh, dead or alive. They are based on the Boneboys. They hunt in cities all over the world.
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This movie is a roller coaster ride through the hellish underbelly of inner-city America. Having a birthday party at a fancy restaurant starts a chain of events that lead to Sissy and her friends meeting the Boneboys. Inspired by Jonathan Swift's story, A Modest Proposal, the Boneboys are a group of international predators who eat human flesh, dead or alive. They are based on the Boneboys. They hunt in cities all over the world.