The film portrays the narrative of a retired and widowed Chinese master chef Chu (Si Hung Lung) and his family residing in Taipei, Taiwan, in the present day. At the beginning of the film, he resides with his three lovely, unmarried daughters. Each of the girls meets new men as the film proceeds. When these new relationships flourish, stereotypes are broken and the family's living condition changes. Several moments in the film illustrate the methods and creativity of Chinese gourmet cookery. As the family members have trouble expressing their affection for one another, their Sunday dinners consist of elaborately prepared foods fit for a feast.
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The film portrays the narrative of a retired and widowed Chinese master chef Chu (Si Hung Lung) and his family residing in Taipei, Taiwan, in the present day. At the beginning of the film, he resides with his three lovely, unmarried daughters. Each of the girls meets new men as the film proceeds. When these new relationships flourish, stereotypes are broken and the family's living condition changes. Several moments in the film illustrate the methods and creativity of Chinese gourmet cookery. As the family members have trouble expressing their affection for one another, their Sunday dinners consist of elaborately prepared foods fit for a feast.