During the events of LEGO DC Super Heroes: The Flash, Reverse-Flash manipulates the Speed Force, forcing the Flash to repeat the same day over and over again—with progressively devastating consequences, including losing his powers and being fired by the Justice League—before escaping the time loop. The Flash must discover a method to return time to its original course and catch his most heinous adversary before all hope for the Flash...and the rest of the world is lost!
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During the events of LEGO DC Super Heroes: The Flash, Reverse-Flash manipulates the Speed Force, forcing the Flash to repeat the same day over and over again—with progressively devastating consequences, including losing his powers and being fired by the Justice League—before escaping the time loop. The Flash must discover a method to return time to its original course and catch his most heinous adversary before all hope for the Flash...and the rest of the world is lost!