A film about a relationship...that is worse than yours. Seth (Stewart), a sitcom writer-producer, meets Chelsea (Wilson), an interior designer, at the wedding of his best friend (Bellamy). He is immediately sexually attracted to her, while she is immediately attracted to his singleness. They both cancel their wedding dates and go on their own date that night. The two marry and appear to be very happy until after a couple of years of postponing a marriage proposal. Chelsea becomes enraged when she realizes Seth wishes to remain single and together. The two engage in behavior that makes the War of the Roses look like child's play for the next hour of the film.
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A film about a relationship...that is worse than yours. Seth (Stewart), a sitcom writer-producer, meets Chelsea (Wilson), an interior designer, at the wedding of his best friend (Bellamy). He is immediately sexually attracted to her, while she is immediately attracted to his singleness. They both cancel their wedding dates and go on their own date that night. The two marry and appear to be very happy until after a couple of years of postponing a marriage proposal. Chelsea becomes enraged when she realizes Seth wishes to remain single and together. The two engage in behavior that makes the War of the Roses look like child's play for the next hour of the film.