"Marvel Rising: Operation Shuri," a 22-minute animated special, will bring Shuri, voiced by Daisy Lightfoot from "Marvel Avengers: Black Panther's Quest," into the Marvel Rising universe. When Shuri, the Crown Princess of Wakanda, asks the Secret Warriors to hang out with her and show her what it's like to be a normal teenager, their lives change in ways they can't even begin to describe. Nothing is normal when you're dealing with one of the world's smartest and best-known people, though.
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"Marvel Rising: Operation Shuri," a 22-minute animated special, will bring Shuri, voiced by Daisy Lightfoot from "Marvel Avengers: Black Panther's Quest," into the Marvel Rising universe. When Shuri, the Crown Princess of Wakanda, asks the Secret Warriors to hang out with her and show her what it's like to be a normal teenager, their lives change in ways they can't even begin to describe. Nothing is normal when you're dealing with one of the world's smartest and best-known people, though.