In the heartwarming musical family comedy Number One, Chow Chee Beng, a middle-aged white collar manager who lost his job, tells his experience. Chee Beng reluctantly accepts a job as a manager at "Number One," a well-known drag club, after numerous unsuccessful interviews. Chee Beng is soon forced to dress up and perform with the drag queens. And to everyone's amazement, Chee Beng is a natural drag performer, as evidenced by the spectators' awe at his show!
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In the heartwarming musical family comedy Number One, Chow Chee Beng, a middle-aged white collar manager who lost his job, tells his experience. Chee Beng reluctantly accepts a job as a manager at "Number One," a well-known drag club, after numerous unsuccessful interviews. Chee Beng is soon forced to dress up and perform with the drag queens. And to everyone's amazement, Chee Beng is a natural drag performer, as evidenced by the spectators' awe at his show!