This socially concerned drama follows the activities of three young Roman criminals. The young men spend the entire day committing little crimes, starting with arms theft and ending with a night with three streetwalkers. The lads then try to defraud the hookers, but the ladies are sharper and have already stolen their money. After that, the punks return to the city to commit additional crimes. Three homosexuals were harassed, and some ladies were attempted to be seduced.
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This socially concerned drama follows the activities of three young Roman criminals. The young men spend the entire day committing little crimes, starting with arms theft and ending with a night with three streetwalkers. The lads then try to defraud the hookers, but the ladies are sharper and have already stolen their money. After that, the punks return to the city to commit additional crimes. Three homosexuals were harassed, and some ladies were attempted to be seduced.