In this horrific psychological thriller, set near the stunning landscape of Glacier National Park in Montana, the characters must overcome their fears. While on a road trip to Canada, two high school buddies, Travis and Nate, find themselves under attack by a group of unknown and ferocious animals. Nate has been kidnapped and is being held captive in the woods, and Travis will stop at nothing to bring him back. Travis enlists the help of Nate's older brother Chris, who brings an arsenal and goes to fight against the monsters in an attempt to save his brother's life.
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In this horrific psychological thriller, set near the stunning landscape of Glacier National Park in Montana, the characters must overcome their fears. While on a road trip to Canada, two high school buddies, Travis and Nate, find themselves under attack by a group of unknown and ferocious animals. Nate has been kidnapped and is being held captive in the woods, and Travis will stop at nothing to bring him back. Travis enlists the help of Nate's older brother Chris, who brings an arsenal and goes to fight against the monsters in an attempt to save his brother's life.