"The Stranger," a supernatural thriller laced with flashbacks and set in Canada's North-West, centers on the mysterious titular figure of Martin, who arrives in a small quiet town seeking to kill his wife Ana, who suffers from a very dangerous disease that makes her addicted to human blood - just like him. However, when he arrives in town, he discovers that Ana has been dead for a few years and decides to commit suicide to finally eradicate this dangerous disease; however, before he can do so, Martin is brutally attacked by three local thugs led by Caleb, the son of a corrupt police lieutenant, and the incident quickly starts a snowball that will plunge the community into a bloodbath.
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"The Stranger," a supernatural thriller laced with flashbacks and set in Canada's North-West, centers on the mysterious titular figure of Martin, who arrives in a small quiet town seeking to kill his wife Ana, who suffers from a very dangerous disease that makes her addicted to human blood - just like him. However, when he arrives in town, he discovers that Ana has been dead for a few years and decides to commit suicide to finally eradicate this dangerous disease; however, before he can do so, Martin is brutally attacked by three local thugs led by Caleb, the son of a corrupt police lieutenant, and the incident quickly starts a snowball that will plunge the community into a bloodbath.