Wakko's Wish, also known as Steven Spielberg Presents Animaniacs: Wakko's Wish, is a 1999 American direct-to-video animated tragicomedy film based on the Warner Bros. animated sitcom Animaniacs, which ran from 1993 to 1998 and served as the series' swan song before its renewal in 2017. The film transports all of the Animaniacs characters to a quasi-medieval fairy tale world and depicts their race to find the wishing star, which will grant them a wish. While the film was released during the Christmas season, the holiday does not play a role in the plot, despite the fact that the events take place during the winter.
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Wakko's Wish, also known as Steven Spielberg Presents Animaniacs: Wakko's Wish, is a 1999 American direct-to-video animated tragicomedy film based on the Warner Bros. animated sitcom Animaniacs, which ran from 1993 to 1998 and served as the series' swan song before its renewal in 2017. The film transports all of the Animaniacs characters to a quasi-medieval fairy tale world and depicts their race to find the wishing star, which will grant them a wish. While the film was released during the Christmas season, the holiday does not play a role in the plot, despite the fact that the events take place during the winter.