This Japanese animated thriller is for adults only. The Earth-Black World peace treaty, a parallel universe of spider-like aliens, is coming to an end. Taki, a human cop, and Maki, an extraterrestrial cop, are tasked with protecting a diplomat involved in another pact. A fanatical alien organization from the Black World is out to kill the envoy and stop the treaty; only the friendship formed between the two cops can save the Earth. The use of sex as a symbol for violence is overused in many graphic situations. The story is good, but the film is unsuitable for kids or the easily offended.
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This Japanese animated thriller is for adults only. The Earth-Black World peace treaty, a parallel universe of spider-like aliens, is coming to an end. Taki, a human cop, and Maki, an extraterrestrial cop, are tasked with protecting a diplomat involved in another pact. A fanatical alien organization from the Black World is out to kill the envoy and stop the treaty; only the friendship formed between the two cops can save the Earth. The use of sex as a symbol for violence is overused in many graphic situations. The story is good, but the film is unsuitable for kids or the easily offended.