19 Kids and Counting is a popular reality show that airs in the United States on the television network TLC. The show's logo, which appears on-screen as 19 Kids & Counting, has a graphic representation of the title. The Duggar family, which consists of the parents Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar and their 19 children (nine girls and 10 boys, all of whose names begin with the letter "J"), is the subject of the reality television show. On September 29, 2008, the first episode of the series was broadcast. The premiere of the twelfth season was on September 17, 2013, which was also the date.
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19 Kids and Counting is a popular reality show that airs in the United States on the television network TLC. The show's logo, which appears on-screen as 19 Kids & Counting, has a graphic representation of the title. The Duggar family, which consists of the parents Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar and their 19 children (nine girls and 10 boys, all of whose names begin with the letter "J"), is the subject of the reality television show. On September 29, 2008, the first episode of the series was broadcast. The premiere of the twelfth season was on September 17, 2013, which was also the date.