Ally McBeal is an American legal comedy-drama television series that ran on Fox between September 8, 1997 and May 20, 2002. Calista Flockhart plays the main character, a young lawyer working in the fictional Boston legal firm Cage and Fish, with other young lawyers whose lives and loves were colorful, hilarious, and dramatic. The series was ranked number 48 on Entertainment Weekly's 2007 list of "New TV Classics."
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Ally McBeal is an American legal comedy-drama television series that ran on Fox between September 8, 1997 and May 20, 2002. Calista Flockhart plays the main character, a young lawyer working in the fictional Boston legal firm Cage and Fish, with other young lawyers whose lives and loves were colorful, hilarious, and dramatic. The series was ranked number 48 on Entertainment Weekly's 2007 list of "New TV Classics."