Brand X with Russell Brand is an American late-night discussion show and stand-up comedy television series that debuted on FX on June28,2012, starring British comedian Russell Brand and developed by Brand and Troy Miller. Its second season ended on May2, 2013. Brand X was not renewed for a third season by FX on June 6, 2013. FX, on the other hand, has reportedly picked up a scripted pilot starring Brand and based on his life.
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Brand X with Russell Brand is an American late-night discussion show and stand-up comedy television series that debuted on FX on June28,2012, starring British comedian Russell Brand and developed by Brand and Troy Miller. Its second season ended on May2, 2013. Brand X was not renewed for a third season by FX on June 6, 2013. FX, on the other hand, has reportedly picked up a scripted pilot starring Brand and based on his life.