Krniken is a Danish television drama that aired on Sunday nights from January 2004 to January 2007. The 22-episode series is about the lives of two fictional families during the history of the Danmarks Radio television network from the 1950s to the 1970s. The series, which was made by Stig Thorsbe for the DR network, started on January4, 2004. The first season of the show was the most watched ever. Five of the episodes were on a list of the ten most watched TV shows in Denmark since they started keeping track in 1992. With 2,717,000 viewers, the first season finale had the most viewers. In2004, the show was up for the International Emmy Award for Best Drama, but Waking the Dead won instead. The final episode of the series aired on January1,2007, and 2.4 million people watched it.
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Krniken is a Danish television drama that aired on Sunday nights from January 2004 to January 2007. The 22-episode series is about the lives of two fictional families during the history of the Danmarks Radio television network from the 1950s to the 1970s. The series, which was made by Stig Thorsbe for the DR network, started on January4, 2004. The first season of the show was the most watched ever. Five of the episodes were on a list of the ten most watched TV shows in Denmark since they started keeping track in 1992. With 2,717,000 viewers, the first season finale had the most viewers. In2004, the show was up for the International Emmy Award for Best Drama, but Waking the Dead won instead. The final episode of the series aired on January1,2007, and 2.4 million people watched it.