Drive is an American action drama television series set against the backdrop of an illegal cross-country automotive road race, concentrating on the willing and unwilling contestants as well as, as the plot develops, the invisible puppet masters who fund the race. According to Minear, the show's thematic tone is as follows: "Cannonball Run, The Game, North by Northwest, and Magnolia-on-wheels are all examples of underground road races. Ours is everything."
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Drive is an American action drama television series set against the backdrop of an illegal cross-country automotive road race, concentrating on the willing and unwilling contestants as well as, as the plot develops, the invisible puppet masters who fund the race. According to Minear, the show's thematic tone is as follows: "Cannonball Run, The Game, North by Northwest, and Magnolia-on-wheels are all examples of underground road races. Ours is everything."