The American television detective mystery series Ellery Queen is based on the made-up character Ellery Queen. The show originates from the United States of America. Jim Hutton played the role of Ellery Queen in it during its run on NBC during the 1975-1976 television season. David Wayne played Ellery Queen's father, Inspector Richard Queen, and Tom Reese played Sgt. Velie in the show. The title character "breaks" the fourth wall in order to allow the audience to contemplate their own solution. This character was created by the writing and producing duo of Richard Levinson and William Link.
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The American television detective mystery series Ellery Queen is based on the made-up character Ellery Queen. The show originates from the United States of America. Jim Hutton played the role of Ellery Queen in it during its run on NBC during the 1975-1976 television season. David Wayne played Ellery Queen's father, Inspector Richard Queen, and Tom Reese played Sgt. Velie in the show. The title character "breaks" the fourth wall in order to allow the audience to contemplate their own solution. This character was created by the writing and producing duo of Richard Levinson and William Link.