Family Affair is a sitcom that originally debuted on CBS in the United States on September 12, 1966 and ran until September 9, 1971. The show chronicled the challenges faced by wealthy civil engineer and single father Bill Davis as he sought to bring up his deceased brother's children in the opulent surroundings of his apartment in New York City. Mr. Giles French, Davis' conventional English gentleman's gentleman, also had to make adjustments as he became saddled with the responsibility of caring for Cissy, who was 15 years old, and the twins Jody and Buffy, who were 6 years old. 138 episodes were produced over the run of the show. Don Fedderson, who is well recognized for his work on My Three Sons and The Millionaire, is the man responsible for creating and producing Family Affair.
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Family Affair is a sitcom that originally debuted on CBS in the United States on September 12, 1966 and ran until September 9, 1971. The show chronicled the challenges faced by wealthy civil engineer and single father Bill Davis as he sought to bring up his deceased brother's children in the opulent surroundings of his apartment in New York City. Mr. Giles French, Davis' conventional English gentleman's gentleman, also had to make adjustments as he became saddled with the responsibility of caring for Cissy, who was 15 years old, and the twins Jody and Buffy, who were 6 years old. 138 episodes were produced over the run of the show. Don Fedderson, who is well recognized for his work on My Three Sons and The Millionaire, is the man responsible for creating and producing Family Affair.