Gargoyles is a Disney Television Animation and Buena Vista Television produced American animated television series that aired from October24,1994, to February15,1997, on ABC. Character arcs and Shakespearean themes were prominent in the show, which is known for its dark tone, intricate plots, and melodrama. In1995, there was also a video game adaptation of Gargoyles and a spin-off comic book series. From 2006 to2009, Greg Weisman and Slave Labor Graphics published a comic book series based on the show's storyline.
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Gargoyles is a Disney Television Animation and Buena Vista Television produced American animated television series that aired from October24,1994, to February15,1997, on ABC. Character arcs and Shakespearean themes were prominent in the show, which is known for its dark tone, intricate plots, and melodrama. In1995, there was also a video game adaptation of Gargoyles and a spin-off comic book series. From 2006 to2009, Greg Weisman and Slave Labor Graphics published a comic book series based on the show's storyline.