It aired on the Discovery Channel on October 6, 2009, and is a weekly American paranormal television show. Mike Rowe serves as the show's narrator, and Paper Route Productions and Go Go Luckey Entertainment collaborated on the production. Brad and Barry Klinge launched Everyday Paranormal in October 2007 with the goal of investigating the paranormal. An investigation team that claims to "visit the most haunted places in America, gather proof, and test fresh theories to examine the presence of the afterlife" is called Everyday Paranormal. Steve Harris, Hector Cisneros, and Katie Burr joined Brad and Barry on the team. Jason Worden, Ashlee Lehman, and Steve Hock also participated. EP's mobile command center, Ghost Lab, will continue to be referred as as such. Brad and Barry Klinge were guests on The Pat & Brian Show on October14,2009, where they discussed the origins of Everyday Paranormal, current investigations, and gear usage. In a satellite interview on CNN's Larry King Live, Larry King spoke with the brothers on October 30, 2009.
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It aired on the Discovery Channel on October 6, 2009, and is a weekly American paranormal television show. Mike Rowe serves as the show's narrator, and Paper Route Productions and Go Go Luckey Entertainment collaborated on the production. Brad and Barry Klinge launched Everyday Paranormal in October 2007 with the goal of investigating the paranormal. An investigation team that claims to "visit the most haunted places in America, gather proof, and test fresh theories to examine the presence of the afterlife" is called Everyday Paranormal. Steve Harris, Hector Cisneros, and Katie Burr joined Brad and Barry on the team. Jason Worden, Ashlee Lehman, and Steve Hock also participated. EP's mobile command center, Ghost Lab, will continue to be referred as as such. Brad and Barry Klinge were guests on The Pat & Brian Show on October14,2009, where they discussed the origins of Everyday Paranormal, current investigations, and gear usage. In a satellite interview on CNN's Larry King Live, Larry King spoke with the brothers on October 30, 2009.