Gordon's Great Escape is a television series that is hosted by Gordon Ramsay, a famous British chef. The first season follows Ramsay on his first trip to India, where he investigates the various culinary traditions of that country. The series, which was produced by One Potato Two Potato in partnership with Optomen and broadcast over the course of three consecutive evenings from the 18th to the 20th of January 2010 as a part of Channel 4's "Indian Winter" promotion, In the second season, which began airing in May of2011, Ramsay investigated the culinary customs of Southeast Asian countries by traveling to Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, and Vietnam.
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Gordon's Great Escape is a television series that is hosted by Gordon Ramsay, a famous British chef. The first season follows Ramsay on his first trip to India, where he investigates the various culinary traditions of that country. The series, which was produced by One Potato Two Potato in partnership with Optomen and broadcast over the course of three consecutive evenings from the 18th to the 20th of January 2010 as a part of Channel 4's "Indian Winter" promotion, In the second season, which began airing in May of2011, Ramsay investigated the culinary customs of Southeast Asian countries by traveling to Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, and Vietnam.