Lee Kang, played by Joo Sang Wook, is a royal with high aspirations. He finds himself falling in love with Sung Ja-Hyun (Jin Se Yun). Lee Kang's younger brother Lee Hwi (played by Yoon Shi Yoon) is also in love with her, despite the fact that she comes from a distinguished family and is stunningly gorgeous. To be able to have Ja-Hyun, Lee Kang is willing to do anything to become the King, including murdering his younger brother.
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Lee Kang, played by Joo Sang Wook, is a royal with high aspirations. He finds himself falling in love with Sung Ja-Hyun (Jin Se Yun). Lee Kang's younger brother Lee Hwi (played by Yoon Shi Yoon) is also in love with her, despite the fact that she comes from a distinguished family and is stunningly gorgeous. To be able to have Ja-Hyun, Lee Kang is willing to do anything to become the King, including murdering his younger brother.