The Hammer House of Mystery and Suspense was a short-lived Hammer Studios anthology television series. The Mystery and Suspense series contained feature-length episodes, averaging around 70 minutes without commercials, and was comparable in concept to the 1980 series Hammer House of Horror. In the United States, the series is known as Fox Mystery Theater, and it was co-produced by Hammer Studios and 20th Century Fox Television. Unlike Hammer House of Horror from the 1980s, every episode included American actors in leading or supporting roles. It was first broadcast in the United Kingdom on ITV in1984, but it was not simulcast and aired at separate times in different ITV regions.
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The Hammer House of Mystery and Suspense was a short-lived Hammer Studios anthology television series. The Mystery and Suspense series contained feature-length episodes, averaging around 70 minutes without commercials, and was comparable in concept to the 1980 series Hammer House of Horror. In the United States, the series is known as Fox Mystery Theater, and it was co-produced by Hammer Studios and 20th Century Fox Television. Unlike Hammer House of Horror from the 1980s, every episode included American actors in leading or supporting roles. It was first broadcast in the United Kingdom on ITV in1984, but it was not simulcast and aired at separate times in different ITV regions.