High School Reunion is a reality television series documenting high school reunions that actually occurred. The program initially aired on The WB for two seasons between 2003 and2005, focusing on ten-year class reunions. A new version of the series began broadcasting on TV Land on March5,2008, focusing on the 20-year reunion of the J.J. Pearce High School graduating class of 1987 in Richardson, Texas. Filmed on Maui, the series featured documentary-style interviews with high school classmates who are awarded "labels" to characterize their jobs. In February2009, the series returned to TV Land with a reunion of the Class of 1988 from Chandler High School in Chandler, Arizona, and the promise that one of them will divulge a huge secret. Again, individuals of the class were referred to as "The Class Clown," "The Cowboy," etc. On January13,2010, the third season of the television series premiered. It chronicles the members of the Chaparral High School Class of 1989 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
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High School Reunion is a reality television series documenting high school reunions that actually occurred. The program initially aired on The WB for two seasons between 2003 and2005, focusing on ten-year class reunions. A new version of the series began broadcasting on TV Land on March5,2008, focusing on the 20-year reunion of the J.J. Pearce High School graduating class of 1987 in Richardson, Texas. Filmed on Maui, the series featured documentary-style interviews with high school classmates who are awarded "labels" to characterize their jobs. In February2009, the series returned to TV Land with a reunion of the Class of 1988 from Chandler High School in Chandler, Arizona, and the promise that one of them will divulge a huge secret. Again, individuals of the class were referred to as "The Class Clown," "The Cowboy," etc. On January13,2010, the third season of the television series premiered. It chronicles the members of the Chaparral High School Class of 1989 in Las Vegas, Nevada.