I Survived a Zombie Apocalypse is a horror-themed game show that takes place in the future, after a widespread virus has turned the majority of the country's inhabitants into flesh-eating zombies. The show is set in the United States. The contestants have to stay alive in the Monroe Shopping Village, and they have to collaborate in order to protect their temporary base while simultaneously attempting to avoid coming into contact with the flesh-eating monsters. After seven days, anyone who is still considered to be "alive" is pulled from the water, and as a reward, they are taken to a tropical quarantine zone.
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I Survived a Zombie Apocalypse is a horror-themed game show that takes place in the future, after a widespread virus has turned the majority of the country's inhabitants into flesh-eating zombies. The show is set in the United States. The contestants have to stay alive in the Monroe Shopping Village, and they have to collaborate in order to protect their temporary base while simultaneously attempting to avoid coming into contact with the flesh-eating monsters. After seven days, anyone who is still considered to be "alive" is pulled from the water, and as a reward, they are taken to a tropical quarantine zone.