Jane by Design is an ABC Family comedy-drama television program. The series portrayed the life of Jane Quimby, a teenager who had to be mistaken for an adult in order to obtain her fashion dream job and work with the world-renowned designer Gray Chandler Murray. She must balance two secret lives: one in high school and the other in high fashion. In April 2011, the network gave the series the go-ahead. Following Switched at Birth, the series began on January 3, 2012. The series was delayed by eight episodes on February 29, 2012. It debuted in the summer on June5,2012, and aired till July31, 2012. ABC Family announced the program's cancellation on August17, 2012.
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Jane by Design is an ABC Family comedy-drama television program. The series portrayed the life of Jane Quimby, a teenager who had to be mistaken for an adult in order to obtain her fashion dream job and work with the world-renowned designer Gray Chandler Murray. She must balance two secret lives: one in high school and the other in high fashion. In April 2011, the network gave the series the go-ahead. Following Switched at Birth, the series began on January 3, 2012. The series was delayed by eight episodes on February 29, 2012. It debuted in the summer on June5,2012, and aired till July31, 2012. ABC Family announced the program's cancellation on August17, 2012.