Legion of Super Heroes is a Warner Bros. Animation show based on DC Comics characters that debuted on September 23, 2006. The series follows young Superman's experiences in the 31st century with the Legion of Super-Heroes. The show's chief designer, James Tucker, co-produced Justice League Unlimited for Kids' WB on The CW. The series drew from all eras of the Legion of Super-Heroes' over 50-year comics existence. Continuity is internal but not shared with animated or printed versions of the Legion. After two seasons, the show ended.
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Legion of Super Heroes is a Warner Bros. Animation show based on DC Comics characters that debuted on September 23, 2006. The series follows young Superman's experiences in the 31st century with the Legion of Super-Heroes. The show's chief designer, James Tucker, co-produced Justice League Unlimited for Kids' WB on The CW. The series drew from all eras of the Legion of Super-Heroes' over 50-year comics existence. Continuity is internal but not shared with animated or printed versions of the Legion. After two seasons, the show ended.