This drama explores the dark side of high school life, based on the manga "LIFE" by Keiko Suenobu. Bullying is the primary emphasis of the manga, although it also deals with suicide, self-mutilation, and rape. It's Kitano Kii who takes on the role of harassed high school student Ayumu Shiba, played by Manami Anzai, who was once an old friend of Ayumu's (Fukuda Saki).
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This drama explores the dark side of high school life, based on the manga "LIFE" by Keiko Suenobu. Bullying is the primary emphasis of the manga, although it also deals with suicide, self-mutilation, and rape. It's Kitano Kii who takes on the role of harassed high school student Ayumu Shiba, played by Manami Anzai, who was once an old friend of Ayumu's (Fukuda Saki).