This series follows a group of very competitive high-end vehicle dealers who specialize in making their customers' wildest dreams happen. However, in a globe where supercars are uploaded on Instagram as well as sold the next day, high-end is not constantly quite - specifically when millions are on the line. In this company, everyone knows everybody, no one depends on any person, as well as the stakes could not be higher. These are not your ordinary car dealers. It takes an unique hustle to make the impossible, possible.
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This series follows a group of very competitive high-end vehicle dealers who specialize in making their customers' wildest dreams happen. However, in a globe where supercars are uploaded on Instagram as well as sold the next day, high-end is not constantly quite - specifically when millions are on the line. In this company, everyone knows everybody, no one depends on any person, as well as the stakes could not be higher. These are not your ordinary car dealers. It takes an unique hustle to make the impossible, possible.