Moving Wallpaper is a satirical comedy-drama television series set in a television production unit in the United Kingdom. In 2008–2009, it aired on ITV for two seasons. The first season focused on the production of the soap opera Echo Beach, which broadcast one episode after each episode of Moving Wallpaper, which chronicled the show's creation. The second series revolved upon the staging of Renaissance, a "zombie show." According to Ben Miller's Twitter account, he confirmed in May 2009 that there would be no more series. TV shows are referred to as "moving wallpaper" because viewers are perceived as "mindless absorbers of pictures," as if they were staring at a piece of wallpaper, by the term's derogatory connotation.
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Moving Wallpaper is a satirical comedy-drama television series set in a television production unit in the United Kingdom. In 2008–2009, it aired on ITV for two seasons. The first season focused on the production of the soap opera Echo Beach, which broadcast one episode after each episode of Moving Wallpaper, which chronicled the show's creation. The second series revolved upon the staging of Renaissance, a "zombie show." According to Ben Miller's Twitter account, he confirmed in May 2009 that there would be no more series. TV shows are referred to as "moving wallpaper" because viewers are perceived as "mindless absorbers of pictures," as if they were staring at a piece of wallpaper, by the term's derogatory connotation.