The BBC created the television series Oppenheimer, which is based on the life of J. Robert Oppenheimer. On October29,1980, it was first aired in the United Kingdom, and on May11,1982, it was first televised in the United States. Sam Waterston played the role of Oppenheimer in the series. The show was nominated for a total of seven BAFTA Television Awards and took home three of them. It was nominated for two Emmy Awards: one for Outstanding Limited Series and one for Outstanding Writing in a Limited Series or a Special. Both of these categories are awarded by the Television Academy. A Golden Globe Award nomination was submitted for it in the category of Best Performance by an Actor in a Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for TV.
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The BBC created the television series Oppenheimer, which is based on the life of J. Robert Oppenheimer. On October29,1980, it was first aired in the United Kingdom, and on May11,1982, it was first televised in the United States. Sam Waterston played the role of Oppenheimer in the series. The show was nominated for a total of seven BAFTA Television Awards and took home three of them. It was nominated for two Emmy Awards: one for Outstanding Limited Series and one for Outstanding Writing in a Limited Series or a Special. Both of these categories are awarded by the Television Academy. A Golden Globe Award nomination was submitted for it in the category of Best Performance by an Actor in a Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for TV.