South Beach Tow is an American truTV reality television series that depicts exaggerated reenactments of Tremont Towing's day-to-day operations. Tremont Towing is a real Miami towing company, despite the show's fictionalization. As of the 20th of July, 2011, the first episode of the show was shown. A four-month break was put in place for the first episode of Season 2, which premiered September 19, 2012. When: Wednesday, October 30th, 2013.
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South Beach Tow is an American truTV reality television series that depicts exaggerated reenactments of Tremont Towing's day-to-day operations. Tremont Towing is a real Miami towing company, despite the show's fictionalization. As of the 20th of July, 2011, the first episode of the show was shown. A four-month break was put in place for the first episode of Season 2, which premiered September 19, 2012. When: Wednesday, October 30th, 2013.