The animated television series Spider-Man aired from September9, 1967 to June14, 1970. It was the first animated adaptation of the Spider-Man comic book series, developed by writer Stan Lee and artist Steve Ditko, and was co-produced by Canada and the United States. It premiered on the ABC television network in the United States but entered syndication at the beginning of the third season. The first season was created by Grantray-Lawrence Animation. Seasons 2 and 3 were created in New York City by producer Ralph Bakshi. It is presently showing on Teletoon Retro in Canada. 1960s Spiderman, a popular Internet meme relating to the series, has attained unprecedented levels of popularity. The meme consists of a random screenshot from the series with an inappropriateand/or humorous caption. Since the passing of Max Ferguson on March7,2013, only three members of the cast remain. Paul Soles provides the voice for Spider-Man, Chris Wiggins provides the voice for Mysterio, and Carl Banas provides the voice for the Scorpion.
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The animated television series Spider-Man aired from September9, 1967 to June14, 1970. It was the first animated adaptation of the Spider-Man comic book series, developed by writer Stan Lee and artist Steve Ditko, and was co-produced by Canada and the United States. It premiered on the ABC television network in the United States but entered syndication at the beginning of the third season. The first season was created by Grantray-Lawrence Animation. Seasons 2 and 3 were created in New York City by producer Ralph Bakshi. It is presently showing on Teletoon Retro in Canada. 1960s Spiderman, a popular Internet meme relating to the series, has attained unprecedented levels of popularity. The meme consists of a random screenshot from the series with an inappropriateand/or humorous caption. Since the passing of Max Ferguson on March7,2013, only three members of the cast remain. Paul Soles provides the voice for Spider-Man, Chris Wiggins provides the voice for Mysterio, and Carl Banas provides the voice for the Scorpion.