The Incredible Hulk is a popular animated television series in the United States that features the Marvel Comics character Hulk as its main protagonist. Between the years 1996 and 1997, it aired on the television network UPN for a total of 21 episodes over the course of two seasons. The voice of the Hulk in the authentic version from Marvel was provided by Lou Ferrigno, who played the role of the Hulk in the live-action television series produced by Universal in the 1970s. It wasn't uncommon for characters from other Marvel cartoons from the same era to make guest cameos in this show. UPN determined that the first season of the show was too dark, so they decided to change the concept of the show for the second season. Additionally, in order to give "female viewers a chance," the network ordered that She-Hulk be made a regular co-star on the show. As a direct consequence of this development, the title of the show was changed to its current iteration, The Incredible Hulk and She-Hulk. In the second season, the Incredible Hulk also appeared as the Grey Hulk.
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The Incredible Hulk is a popular animated television series in the United States that features the Marvel Comics character Hulk as its main protagonist. Between the years 1996 and 1997, it aired on the television network UPN for a total of 21 episodes over the course of two seasons. The voice of the Hulk in the authentic version from Marvel was provided by Lou Ferrigno, who played the role of the Hulk in the live-action television series produced by Universal in the 1970s. It wasn't uncommon for characters from other Marvel cartoons from the same era to make guest cameos in this show. UPN determined that the first season of the show was too dark, so they decided to change the concept of the show for the second season. Additionally, in order to give "female viewers a chance," the network ordered that She-Hulk be made a regular co-star on the show. As a direct consequence of this development, the title of the show was changed to its current iteration, The Incredible Hulk and She-Hulk. In the second season, the Incredible Hulk also appeared as the Grey Hulk.