The Killing is a Danish police procedural that is set in the Copenhagen main police department and revolves around Detective Inspector Sarah Lund and her team. Each season series follows a different murder case day-by-day, and an episode that lasts one hour covers twenty-four hours of the investigation. The television show is famous for its unexpected turns in the plot, its season-long storylines, its gloomy tone, and the fact that it gives equal focus to the story of the family of the murdered victim together with the investigation being conducted by the police. It has also been praised for the photography of its environment in Denmark as well as the acting ability of its cast.
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The Killing is a Danish police procedural that is set in the Copenhagen main police department and revolves around Detective Inspector Sarah Lund and her team. Each season series follows a different murder case day-by-day, and an episode that lasts one hour covers twenty-four hours of the investigation. The television show is famous for its unexpected turns in the plot, its season-long storylines, its gloomy tone, and the fact that it gives equal focus to the story of the family of the murdered victim together with the investigation being conducted by the police. It has also been praised for the photography of its environment in Denmark as well as the acting ability of its cast.