The Philanthropist is a television series that debuted on NBC in the United States on June 24, 2009, and it is an action drama. The show aired for a limited number of episodes during the summer and was primarily shot in South Africa. It started off high in the ratings, but in later weeks, it suffered a decline in the number of viewers. Carnival Films, The Levinson/Fontana Company, and Original Media are the companies that collaborated with Carnival Films to produce The Philanthropist. The executive producers for this show were Tom Fontana, Barry Levinson, Peter Horton, Charlie Corwin, Gareth Neame, and Teri Weinberg. NBC pulled the plug on the show on October 21, 2009, therefore ending its run. Fans were unsuccessful in their efforts to keep the show on the air by using Facebook and a philanthropic cause named "Save The Philanthropist through Charity."
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The Philanthropist is a television series that debuted on NBC in the United States on June 24, 2009, and it is an action drama. The show aired for a limited number of episodes during the summer and was primarily shot in South Africa. It started off high in the ratings, but in later weeks, it suffered a decline in the number of viewers. Carnival Films, The Levinson/Fontana Company, and Original Media are the companies that collaborated with Carnival Films to produce The Philanthropist. The executive producers for this show were Tom Fontana, Barry Levinson, Peter Horton, Charlie Corwin, Gareth Neame, and Teri Weinberg. NBC pulled the plug on the show on October 21, 2009, therefore ending its run. Fans were unsuccessful in their efforts to keep the show on the air by using Facebook and a philanthropic cause named "Save The Philanthropist through Charity."