Seen in Heaven Valley, the film tells of Adam, a man who investigates his wife's death and discovers the involvement of local mafia boss Denny Richards. Anger-fueled summoning of a demon that grants Adam incredible strength and sinister powers. The demon follows him on his journey, offering to take Adam to the murderer if he obeys. This starts a violent fight between Adam and the police department and their dark allies. The battle begins, and it will be fierce!
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Seen in Heaven Valley, the film tells of Adam, a man who investigates his wife's death and discovers the involvement of local mafia boss Denny Richards. Anger-fueled summoning of a demon that grants Adam incredible strength and sinister powers. The demon follows him on his journey, offering to take Adam to the murderer if he obeys. This starts a violent fight between Adam and the police department and their dark allies. The battle begins, and it will be fierce!