At the height of the Cold War, Russia was conducting a clandestine scientific expedition that, if successful, would have altered the path of human history. The mission, dubbed "Project12," was eventually determined to be too risky to continue, and the scientists engaged were to be slaughtered. Three scientists fled, and Project 12 was imprisoned in a heavily fortified bunker, never to be seen again...until now. The head scientist for Project 12 has become the subject of a worldwide manhunt, as he is the lone survivor of the Project 12 team and the only one who understands the bunker's secrets. What secret does he possess, and who is funding the operation to resurrect Project 12 and what is their concealed agenda?
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At the height of the Cold War, Russia was conducting a clandestine scientific expedition that, if successful, would have altered the path of human history. The mission, dubbed "Project12," was eventually determined to be too risky to continue, and the scientists engaged were to be slaughtered. Three scientists fled, and Project 12 was imprisoned in a heavily fortified bunker, never to be seen again...until now. The head scientist for Project 12 has become the subject of a worldwide manhunt, as he is the lone survivor of the Project 12 team and the only one who understands the bunker's secrets. What secret does he possess, and who is funding the operation to resurrect Project 12 and what is their concealed agenda?