Isabelle, a young museum curator played by Katie Goldfinch, is tasked with examining an antique artifact that was uncovered in the cellar of a stately home in Shropshire. A seemingly pleasant family, Karl (Larry Rew), his wife Evelyn (Babette Barat), and their beautiful daughter Scarlet (Florence Cady), greet the visitor as they enter the enormous manor estate. However, all is not as it seems, as a terrible and terrifying mystery looms over them.
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Isabelle, a young museum curator played by Katie Goldfinch, is tasked with examining an antique artifact that was uncovered in the cellar of a stately home in Shropshire. A seemingly pleasant family, Karl (Larry Rew), his wife Evelyn (Babette Barat), and their beautiful daughter Scarlet (Florence Cady), greet the visitor as they enter the enormous manor estate. However, all is not as it seems, as a terrible and terrifying mystery looms over them.