A thriller film that revolves around inseparable friends Evelyn and Jenna, who enjoy to be with each other. Yet Evelyn's mommy, Lucy, is cynical of their connection as she believes Jenna is a bit weird. However, when Jenna's life takes a dark turn and her mother is killed, Lucy invites her with open arms to cope with her household to ensure that Jenna can complete elderly year. She is later shocked to find out that Jenna's obsession with her little girl Evelyn is getting out of her hands.
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A thriller film that revolves around inseparable friends Evelyn and Jenna, who enjoy to be with each other. Yet Evelyn's mommy, Lucy, is cynical of their connection as she believes Jenna is a bit weird. However, when Jenna's life takes a dark turn and her mother is killed, Lucy invites her with open arms to cope with her household to ensure that Jenna can complete elderly year. She is later shocked to find out that Jenna's obsession with her little girl Evelyn is getting out of her hands.