Based on Iwahara Yuuji's seinen science fiction manga series, which was serialized in Monthly Comic Beam. A mysterious virus known as Medusa is spreading throughout Japan, transforming its victims into stone. Given the impossibility of finding an immediate cure, the government decides to cryopreserve a select group of patients until a solution is found. Kasumi, one of the chosen ones, has been sleeping for years, and her awakening is more than a bed of roses; it occurs in the midst of total chaos, with monstrous creatures lurking all around.
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Based on Iwahara Yuuji's seinen science fiction manga series, which was serialized in Monthly Comic Beam. A mysterious virus known as Medusa is spreading throughout Japan, transforming its victims into stone. Given the impossibility of finding an immediate cure, the government decides to cryopreserve a select group of patients until a solution is found. Kasumi, one of the chosen ones, has been sleeping for years, and her awakening is more than a bed of roses; it occurs in the midst of total chaos, with monstrous creatures lurking all around.