Madison and her father are outcasts in a society ruled by an alien civilization in Manifest: The Chryzinium Era, a 2017 American science fiction short film drama written, directed, and produced by Rick Lord, Phillip Wade, and Tim Wade. Survival is becoming increasingly difficult, forcing Madison to make a decision that will alter the course of her life for the rest of her life. The cast includes Phoebe Jacobs, Rick Lord, and Tim Wade.
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Madison and her father are outcasts in a society ruled by an alien civilization in Manifest: The Chryzinium Era, a 2017 American science fiction short film drama written, directed, and produced by Rick Lord, Phillip Wade, and Tim Wade. Survival is becoming increasingly difficult, forcing Madison to make a decision that will alter the course of her life for the rest of her life. The cast includes Phoebe Jacobs, Rick Lord, and Tim Wade.