This film follows a group of students as they experience their final day of high school and prepare for the future through interconnected vignettes set during the summer of 1999. Holly, who was once the new girl in school, will go to any length to maintain her popularity. Despite the fact that she is a lesbian in secret, Dawn is battling addiction to prescription medicines. The valedictorian of her class, Tori decides to try drugs for the first time just before graduation, despite the fact that she is the most qualified.
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This film follows a group of students as they experience their final day of high school and prepare for the future through interconnected vignettes set during the summer of 1999. Holly, who was once the new girl in school, will go to any length to maintain her popularity. Despite the fact that she is a lesbian in secret, Dawn is battling addiction to prescription medicines. The valedictorian of her class, Tori decides to try drugs for the first time just before graduation, despite the fact that she is the most qualified.