Throughout the film, the plot revolves around a cunning young terrorist who is capable of blackmailing a number of corporations by planting home-made radio-controlled bombs within the main attraction of amusement parks: roller coasters. The police officers are given a difficult time by a young man played by Timothy Bottoms after they give him money that has been marked with UV light. He then seeks retribution by planting a bomb in a roller coaster at the most significant amusement park event of the year.
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Throughout the film, the plot revolves around a cunning young terrorist who is capable of blackmailing a number of corporations by planting home-made radio-controlled bombs within the main attraction of amusement parks: roller coasters. The police officers are given a difficult time by a young man played by Timothy Bottoms after they give him money that has been marked with UV light. He then seeks retribution by planting a bomb in a roller coaster at the most significant amusement park event of the year.