The tale follows a girl named JoJo whose life is shaken up when her cherished dancing coach decides to retire as well as is replaced by a sparkle-hating instructor called Poppy. Wishing to remain in the competing an approaching dance competition, JoJo and also her buddies, The Rubies, have to attempt their hardest to abide by Poppy's new, severe regulations. Recognizing she can not hide her glimmer or bow any longer, JoJo is kicked out of her dance troupe as well as must discover what dancing implies to her.
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The tale follows a girl named JoJo whose life is shaken up when her cherished dancing coach decides to retire as well as is replaced by a sparkle-hating instructor called Poppy. Wishing to remain in the competing an approaching dance competition, JoJo and also her buddies, The Rubies, have to attempt their hardest to abide by Poppy's new, severe regulations. Recognizing she can not hide her glimmer or bow any longer, JoJo is kicked out of her dance troupe as well as must discover what dancing implies to her.