Cat-and-mouse duels In this pirate adventure, Tom and Jerry sail the high seas in search of buried treasure. The story begins when crew member Tom joins an infamous pirate and discovers a treasure map with stowaway Jerry. The furry swashbucklers sprint to a barren island marked with an X, but they must outwit ferocious buccaneers, irate monkeys, and a monstrous octopus in order to strike it rich.
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Cat-and-mouse duels In this pirate adventure, Tom and Jerry sail the high seas in search of buried treasure. The story begins when crew member Tom joins an infamous pirate and discovers a treasure map with stowaway Jerry. The furry swashbucklers sprint to a barren island marked with an X, but they must outwit ferocious buccaneers, irate monkeys, and a monstrous octopus in order to strike it rich.