In this gently scripted gut-wrenching psycho-thriller from acclaimed filmmaker Cheng Wei-Hao (The Tag-Along franchise business), an ambitious reporter that witnessed a hit-and-run years ago restarts his investigation led by recently emerged clues. After his resource likewise the only survivor from the crash all of a sudden goes away, he defeats the clock to save her. As he goes even more down the bunny opening, layers of unimaginable dark facts around a corrupted system begin peeling.
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In this gently scripted gut-wrenching psycho-thriller from acclaimed filmmaker Cheng Wei-Hao (The Tag-Along franchise business), an ambitious reporter that witnessed a hit-and-run years ago restarts his investigation led by recently emerged clues. After his resource likewise the only survivor from the crash all of a sudden goes away, he defeats the clock to save her. As he goes even more down the bunny opening, layers of unimaginable dark facts around a corrupted system begin peeling.