Anne of Green Gables is an animated television series produced by Nippon Animation as part of their World Masterpiece Theater. It was based on Lucy Maud Montgomery's novel Anne of Green Gables. Nippon Animation produced it in 1979, and it originally aired on Fuji TV from January 7, 1979 to December 30, 1979. In total, fifty episodes were created. It has been exported to Asian neighboring countries, as well as Europe and Canada. As with the novels, the animated version of Anne is still popular in Japan, and a "DVD commemorative BOX set" was published on August 22, 2008, as was a new anime series that acts as a prequel to the series, Kon'nichiwa Anne Before Green Gables, which premiered in Japan on April 5, 2009.
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Anne of Green Gables is an animated television series produced by Nippon Animation as part of their World Masterpiece Theater. It was based on Lucy Maud Montgomery's novel Anne of Green Gables. Nippon Animation produced it in 1979, and it originally aired on Fuji TV from January 7, 1979 to December 30, 1979. In total, fifty episodes were created. It has been exported to Asian neighboring countries, as well as Europe and Canada. As with the novels, the animated version of Anne is still popular in Japan, and a "DVD commemorative BOX set" was published on August 22, 2008, as was a new anime series that acts as a prequel to the series, Kon'nichiwa Anne Before Green Gables, which premiered in Japan on April 5, 2009.