The light novel series Baccano! was written by Ryohgo Narita and drawn by Katsumi Enami. The series is mostly set in a made-up United States at different times, including the Prohibition era, and is often told from more than one person's point of view. It's about different people who have nothing to do with each other, like alchemists, thieves, thugs, Mafiosi, and Camorristi. After an immortality elixir is made in 1930s Manhattan, the characters start to run into each other. This sets off a chain of events that gets more and more out of hand. Under the Dengeki Bunko imprint of ASCII Media Works, the first novel came out in February 2003. As of March 2013, there have been twenty novels. A sixteen-episode anime TV series based on the books was directed by Takahiro Omori and made by Brain's Base and Aniplex. From July 26, 2007 to November 1, 2007, WOWOW showed the first thirteen episodes. The last three episodes went straight to DVD. A two-volume manga, an adventure game for the Nintendo DS, and two drama CDs were also made from the series. The first drama CD came with an extra novel, and the DVDs of the anime adaptation came with parts of two gaiden novels.
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The light novel series Baccano! was written by Ryohgo Narita and drawn by Katsumi Enami. The series is mostly set in a made-up United States at different times, including the Prohibition era, and is often told from more than one person's point of view. It's about different people who have nothing to do with each other, like alchemists, thieves, thugs, Mafiosi, and Camorristi. After an immortality elixir is made in 1930s Manhattan, the characters start to run into each other. This sets off a chain of events that gets more and more out of hand. Under the Dengeki Bunko imprint of ASCII Media Works, the first novel came out in February 2003. As of March 2013, there have been twenty novels. A sixteen-episode anime TV series based on the books was directed by Takahiro Omori and made by Brain's Base and Aniplex. From July 26, 2007 to November 1, 2007, WOWOW showed the first thirteen episodes. The last three episodes went straight to DVD. A two-volume manga, an adventure game for the Nintendo DS, and two drama CDs were also made from the series. The first drama CD came with an extra novel, and the DVDs of the anime adaptation came with parts of two gaiden novels.